After a deep and refreshing sleep, Eric and I wake-up ready to take on the day. Unfortunately it’s raining outside, but there’s no way it’s going to stop us – we have things to do!
Our first task is of the domestic variety – we need to pick-up ingredients for tonight’s dinner. We’re cooking for Erin and her boyfriend, to both thank her for letting us stay at her place and so we can finally meet Dean, who we’ve heard so much about. It’s also a great excuse for us to visit the Borough Market, one of our favourite places in London. We discovered it when we were here at Easter and it’s conveniently located only 20 minutes from Erin’s place.
Once this is accomplished, we go for a long walk to Covent Gardens, so I can book a hair appointment for Friday. I haven’t had my hair cut since the “Vietnam incident” and am looking forward to a little primping and pampering. We also swing by a couple of comic book shops so Eric can get his Batman fix – he’s been such a good boy on this trip, he deserves a treat.
We eventually head back to Erin’s and start preparing our feast. On the menu tonight we have chicken stuffed with bacon, old cheddar & chutney, roasted potatoes with leeks & tomatoes, a garden salad and a selection of treats from the market for dessert… or “pudding” as they say around here.
Dinner goes swimmingly well and we finish off the evening swapping stories, emptying bottles of wine and laughing our heads off… but not in this particular order.
Friday is the start of a long weekend in England, so Erin and Dean take off to Norwich, and leave us the run of her place.
We originally planned to go to Paris for the weekend, but it seems we’ve both picked up a cold so we decide to take it easy for a bit – Erin’s place is very comfortable and we make ourselves at home by catching up on movies and cooking for ourselves. Oh the luxuries!
On Monday we venture out of London to visit Cambridge.
It’s a lot busier than we expect, but the weather is lovely – no rain in sight – and the city is beautiful, so it’s a great way to spend the day. Plus, Cambridge is home to Fitzbillie’s bakery which is famous for its Chelsea buns and being the Chelsea bun connoisseurs that we are, we have to sample them – it only seems right.
The buns are good, but we both agree that the ones from the bakery in Gravenhurst are still better… we biked over 25kms to get them last summer.
After lunch in a local pub, we return to London and check out Oxford Circus.
It too is busy with all the people getting ready for the upcoming school term… suckers. Neither of us is actually interested in shopping, so we walk “home” via Buckingham Palace, Big Ben and the Tate Modern where we spend the evening vegging out in front of the TV, calling Eric’s parents and packing up our bags...
Tomorrow we’re off to the town of Twyford to visit my relatives.
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