Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Word to Live By

Let’s say you go to a hole-in-the-wall restaurant and eat some food which was probably sitting out in the heat for far too long.

And let’s say that food made you very sick.

And let’s say, despite the medical community’s insistence that it’s nothing more than a bad case of food poisoning, you know in actuality that a small demon has invaded your stomach.

And let’s say this small demon causes you to expel all the contents of your digestive system for the next few days.

How would you pass the time?

Well, here’s what I did.

As I lay in a cold sweat, I would take normal, everyday words and then change them so they were similar, but much funnier.

For instance, did you know if you change a few letters in the word “anti-biotics”, it becomes “anti-buttocks”?

It’s true.

And when you’re stuck in a hostel room in a quiet little country like Brunei with nothing to do because you’re running to the toilet every 10 minutes, BOY IS IT FUNNY!

So very funny.

So very funny on many different levels, with the main level being that you keep saying “buttocks” over and over and over again, much to the annoyance of your patient and understanding girlfriend.

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